Subtheme #3 - Mutual Prosperity (Prosperity)

Prosperity discusses the global issue of rising societal inequalities as vulnerable populations are threatened with unequal access to life necessities which impact their livelihood. The ever-widening wealth gap remains a prominent global issue that leads to inequalities which limit or inhibit access to life’s necessities.
Aspire to bridge the gap for a better future where everyone prospers
Let’s imagine the world of plenty where all may live a life of Prosperity as we bridge the gaps between the haves and have-nots, the developed and the developing, the fortunate and the disadvantaged, eliminating inequalities for people of all groups, status, and countries, promoting more holistic approaches to advance quality living, ensuring inclusive and equitable gains so they may have access to all life’s necessities befitting each of their needs and requirements.

The Expo 2028 Phuket Thailand will offer platform for fellow developing countries and others facing the same problems to set out the global policy for possible solutions to ensure that prosperity is shared to all global population as we grow and thrive together, leaving no one behind. Each country can present their own definition of the meaning of quality life where prosperity means much more than material or monetary wealth. 


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